The Ministry of Youth Development and National Service is dedicated to the development of youth and infusing in them the values and attributes of national service, self sufficiency, and entrepreneurship. As the primary agency for the development of approximately 550,000 youths aged 10-35 years, the MYDNS is committed to the delivery of quality services, skills development programmes and training facilities to empower the youth of Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) to achieve their full potential and become productive members of society. The relevant programmes are listed below.
CRISP-Course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Inspiring Youth Social and Economic Participation: This programme enrolled 100 youth and provided technical/vocational training in both Domestic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, and Automotive Electrical and HVAC Maintenance. In addition, participants were provided with the competencies and skills to install service and repair split-type air conditioning units and household refrigeration appliances. Upon completion, successful students of the CRISP Programme will receive a National Energy Skills Centre OIESC) Certificate at the Craftsman Level. In fiscal 2023, the CRISP programme was implemented through five (5) Cohorts between the periods of April 12th 2023 to September 28th
DRIVE- Developing our Youth Resource through the Introduction of Technical Vocational Endeavours in Auto Mechanics. This programme enrolled 100 participants and provided the knowledge, skills and training necessary to perform preventative maintenance, diagnose, and repair automotive, mechanical, and electrical malfunctions. The training covers modules inclusive of Safety Communication and Tools, Braking Systems, Suspension and Steering Systems, Electrical Fundamentals and Scan Tools. Successful students of the DRIVE programme will receive an NESC Certificate at the Craftsman Level. The DRIVE was implemented through five (5) Cohorts between the period of April 24th 2023 to September 13, 2023.
- Project Trending Social Media Management/Awareness: In fiscal 2023 this programme benefitted 120 (27 Males and 93 Females) small business owners and budding entrepreneurs, equipping them with Social Media management training that will enable them to effectively market and manage their businesses on social media platforms. The objective of this programme is to instill in the partibipants the skills to differentiate between the different types of social media platforms and their associated level of subscription/user traffic, user demographics and what they are best suited for. The MYDNS implemented 4 Cohorts of the Project Trending Programme which was launched on March 13th, 2023 and was completed on April 29th 2023.
- Youth Career Education Roving Caravan: The Youth Career Education Roving Caravan is a strategic intervention focusing on the following areas:
- Mobile Caravan and Youth Fair: This project allows the Ministry to interact with youth stakeholders within the various districts; enhancing awareness of the• Ministry, its programmes, and the opportunities available to youth.
- Access to underserved communities: This caravan acts as a bridge to reach the subset of the youth population as it is intended to bring the caravan to them.
- Economic Participation and Empowerment: Provides the opportunity to host an entrepreneurial market in each district, allowing entrepreneurs from within the community to set up and display their products to the public. It is expected that hosting this within each community/district will serve as a catalyst towards supporting the revitalization of the economy.
The implementation of the project for fiscal 2023 is as follows:
- March 25th, 2023, at Brian Lara Promenade
- April 1st, 2023, at Carenage/Diego Martin
- April 15th, 2023, at Harris Promenade San Fernando
- May 6th, 2023, at Beetham Gardens
- May 20th, 2023, at Point Fortin
- June 3rd, 2023, at Morvant/Laventille
- August 5 th 2023 at Moruga
- September 30th, 2023 at La Horquetta
AMPLIFY- A Music Production and Life Skills Training Programme: The courses for this programme include sequencing, applications, chord construction,. drum patterns, editing and mixing, digital auto theory, system set-up, configuration and recording, editing, and mixing. In Fiscal 2023, the MYDNS implemented the AMPLIFY programme to 42 young persons from the period of June 5 th 2023 to July 28th
A.L.L.S.E.T. -Alternative Learning and Life Skills Enhancement Training: This programme focuses on providing training in Heavy Machinery Operations and covers modules inclusive of identification of heavy equipment, operation of skid-steer loader, dump truck, bulldozer, financial management •and others. The programme was implemented in partnership with the MYDNS and the NESC Technical Institute and was launched on March 27th and completed on September 1st, 2023 with 100 participants undergoing the training
STEP TT: Skills for a Technological and Diversified Economy: The MYDNS in collaboration with MIC Institute of Technology (MIC-IT) has identified the opportunity to develop a Skills Bank Training Programme dedicated to the growth of an E-Ready workforce and training framework to cater for the public and private sectors. The Programme involVes three (3) areas of Training: (i) Introduction to Mobile Application Development (ii) Web Design and (iii) Coding. Thus far, the Programme has successfully matriculated 320 participants between the ages of sixteen (16) to thirty-five (35) from the periods of April 2023 — July 2023. Successful students have received an MIC-IT eCertificate of Achievement or Participation.
YouTec Youth Training: The YouTec Short-Courses Programme targeted 460 young persons with vocational skills training and life skills training with the aim to provide trainees with employability and entrepreneurial skills. This project commenced on June 26th, 2023, and was completed in September 2023. The following short courses was implemented through this programme:
- Project Polished-Nail Technology – implemented in the communities of Maloney, Valencia, California and San Fernando
- Beat Faces-Make-up Artistry- implemented in the communities of Maloney, California YF, San Fernando, Diego Martin and Roystonia
- Baked-Culinary Arts – conducted in Roystonia and the Institute of Culinary Arts Phone and Tablet Repairs — implemented in California
- Computer Maintenance and Troubleshooting – conducted in Valencia
National Leadership Training Programme: Designed to build the leadership capacity of one hundred (100) youths between 16-35 within functioning youth led and youth serving organizations within communities across Trinidad and Tobago and to accentuate their role as agents of change and co-creators of sustainable development. The Programme facilitates the development and strengthening of the leadership capacities of youth within the executive arms of youth led and youth serving organizations and the promotion of positive attitudes, knowledge and skills to make informed choices while meaningfully participating in problem-solving and decision making at the group, community and national levels. Seventy-six (76%) percent successfully completed the programme.
40 Under 40 – The 40 under 40 Programme aims to provide a platform for secondary school students to be supported in the areas of personal and professional development. The 40 Under 40 Programme allows Secondary School students, primarily Third and Fourth Form students, to interact and engage with young “movers and shakers” including established entrepreneurs, entertainers, sportsmen and fashion designers. Through the programme, the influencers share their testimonies and life experiences that can improve students’ life perspectives and create opportunities for success. The aim of the programme is to inculcate a spirit of entrepreneurship and professional development towards creating opportunities for their success in all spheres of life. In fiscal 2023, twenty-six (26) Secondary Schools with approximately fifteen hundred (1,500) students, benefitted from this programme.
Bridging Success-This Programme is done in collaboration with the University ofTrinidad and Tobago (UTT) and is offered to 150 young persons who are unemployed and do not possess a full CSEC certificate. It serves as an alternative training pathway to promote further intellectual development. Bridging Success, therefore, provides a conduit through which young persons can further their studies and achieve their academic goals. This programme was designed and specifically tailored to address the gap between secondary school education and tertiary-level education.
The Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme (YAHP): The Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme (YAHP) was developed with the goal of providing young people between the ages of eighteen (18) and thirty-five (35) years with the opportunity to become successful 21 st-century agri-entrepreneurs. The Youth Agricultural Homestead Programme is a critical programme in our country’s thrust to boost and sustain the country’s Agricultural Sector and increase the country’s accessibility to local produce.
In fiscal 2023, the YAl-IP full-time cohort consisting of one hundred and sixty-eight (168) (sixty-eight (68) females, one hundred (100) males) participants graduated on June 6th 2023 with a Certificate in Agriculture and Agro-processing Technologies from the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), completing Phase I of this programme. Phase Il of the programme consists of operationalizing four hundred (400) acres of agricultural land in Chatham for its YAl-IP Cohort I. These agricultural lands will be upgraded with starter homes, roads, draining, access infrastructure and more for one hundred and sixty-eight (168) successful YAl-IP students. The Ministry also launched Cohort 2 of the YAHP targeting part-time students in fiscal 2023. Currently, there are two hundred (200) persons enrolled in this cohort.
Youth Agricultural Shade House Project (YASHP): This programme aims to equip youths between the ages of sixteen (16) and thirty-five (35) years with the skills for producing high-value, short-term crops as well as establishing cooperatives to facilitate such agricultural production. This programme is a full-time one (1) year programme administered by the University of the West Indies (UWI) and the Co-operative Republic of Guyana- National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI). Successful candidates will receive an accredited Certificate in Shade House Production with NAREI upon completion. In fiscal 2023, ninety-seven (97) persons are enrolled in the Cohort 1 of the programme and are currently engaged in practical training in Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) spearheaded by NAMDEVCO and are also expected to begin entrepreneurial training delivered by NEDCO thereafter.
Youth Aquaculture Project – The Youth Aquaculture Project provides young nationals aged 16—35 years with the necessary skills and resources to successfully become agri-entrepreneurs in the field of aquaculture. To facilitate the Youth Aquaculture Project, the MYDNS in collaboration with the University of the West Indies (UWI) will implement a one (1) year programme in Tropical Aquaculture Production and Management. This programme will be implemented in two (2) cohorts of one hundred (100) young people each, being trained in aquaculture with particular focus on tilapia, conch and brackish-water shrimp farming as well as post training support to build their economic livelihood in aquaculture.
Geriatric Adolescent Partnership Programme (GAPP): The GAPP provides paraprofessional training in geriatric care to vulnerable youths in the community. This programme covers principles at the basic level in an introduction to caregiving as well as advanced-level field training. On completion of the GAPP, graduates are placed in internships. In Fiscal 2023, five hundred and thirty-six (536) caregivers were placed by the programme.
Civilian Conservation Corps Programme (CCC): The Civilian Conservation Corps Programme is designed to provide an intervention mechanism to assist in the empowerment of socially marginalised young adults, between the ages of sixteen (16) to twenty-five (25) years. The goal of this programme is to improve the overall quality of the participant’s life through the adoption of attitudinal and behavioural changes, stimulated through the catalyst of discipline. In Fiscal 2023, eight hundred and sixty-three (863) participants graduated from the CCC Programme
Military-Led Academic Training Programme (MiLAT): The MILAT is a two-year, full-time social intervention programme that envisages the positive behaviour modification of students whilst they pursue academic development in a quasi-military environment. The objective of this programme is to produce individuals, who are well-adjusted, disciplined, responsible and who possess positive social values and attitudes; that are complemented with a full certification in the Caribbean Examinations Council and exposure to some degree of elective skills with the ability to pursue higher levels of education and training. Currently, there are two cohorts of this programme being implemented; cohort 1 which started in 2021 consists of sixty-six (66) students and cohort 2 which started in 2022 consists of one hundred (100) students.
Military-Led Youth Programme of Apprenticeship and Restoration Training. (MYPART): The MYPART programme is geared toward providing a safe structured and regulated environment in which training, certification and most critically, positive character development can occur. This initiative is a 3-year residential programme that involves both vocational and military training in three (3) areas: Induction; Academic & Pre-Technical Vocational Training and Specialised Study. On successful completion, the Cadet leaves the programme as a Certified Graduate (in a specialized skill area) and a more disciplined individual, having been exposed to areas of personal development, leadership, teamwork, and responsibility. Fifty (50) cadets are expected to be enrolled in Fiscal 2024.